Wealth & Financial Planning

Wealth & Financial Planning

Our financial advice philosophy is  based on mutual understanding  between  our clients and us.  It is a service model based around  you as  an  individual, and  it  is something precious few  institutions can deliver on.

We will take the time to understand you – your situation, your needs and your aspirations. Then we will help you define your financial goals, and your vision of a secure financial future.

And then, working side by side, we will develop a financial plan which will help you achieve your goals.

Importantly, your financial plan will not be a pre-packaged solution. It will be tailored to your individual requirements to ensure you make best use of your financial resources now, and in the future.

To help you create a secure financial future, we employ our disciplined 8-step financial advice process:

Step 1: We start by assessing your current financial position including your financial life-stage, assets & liabilities, savings capability, personal risk insurance requirements, retirement income requirement, Centrelink entitlement position, and so on. We then help you define your short, medium and long term lifestyle goals.

Step 2: Then we convert your lifestyle requirements into clear financial goals and objectives. How much money do you need to fund the lifestyle you want – now and in the future?

Step 3: Next we develop your financial, wealth, retirement, taxation, Centrelink, and risk management strategies – and determine the required investment return – which will enable you to meet your financial goals and objectives.

Step 4: We then determine the mix of assets (i.e. shares, property, bonds and cash) which will reliably help you achieve your required investment return.

Step 5: Importantly, our next step is to determine your tolerance to investment risk (i.e. the fluctuating nature of investment returns). Then we compare your risk tolerance to the level of risk inherent in the asset allocation plan we have developed for you. Do the two match?

Step 6: If they do not match, there is a gap which will most likely result in you being unable to achieve your goals. Therefore, before we proceed further, we work with you to help you reach a compromise which gives you comfort on all fronts. We call this our ‘Gap Analysis Procedure’

Step 7: Once our ‘Gap Analysis Procedure’ is complete, we finalise your financial plan to ensure it is focused on meeting your preferred financial and lifestyle goals. We then, on your approval, implement each of the recommended financial strategies and arrange the purchase of the recommended investments and personal risk insurances on your behalf.

Step 8: Once your plan and investments are in place, we regularly review them with you to ensure they continue to perform as expected. If they do not, or if your situation changes, or external factors change, we will recommend appropriate modifications to your plan and investments.

Talk to us today about how to secure your financial future!