Director Identification Number

Director Identification Number

Company directors need to verify their identity as part of a new director identification number (director ID) requirement. A director ID is a unique identifier that a director will apply for once and keep forever – which will help prevent the use of false or...
Microgrants and JobSaver Update – NSW

Microgrants and JobSaver Update – NSW

Ongoing Support for NSW Businesses | JobSaver and Micro Grants New South Wales businesses will still be able to obtain financial support from the NSW Government as a result of the Covid-19 lockdown but there are important changes to the grants system that business...
NSW Government COVID-19 Support Payments

NSW Government COVID-19 Support Payments

NSW  Government COVID-19 | Lockdown Support Payments The NSW Government is offering 3 types of financial support to businesses across NSW as part of the COVID-19 support package: JobSaver payment COVID-19 micro-business grant COVID-19 business grant. Comparison of the...
Business Tax Planning Tips

Business Tax Planning Tips

While planning of any kind has been challenging over the past 12 months, tax time remains a certainty for all businesses and individuals who are working from despite the easing of Covid-19 restrictions. Tax planning should be a key element of your business and...
Single Touch Payroll Changes

Single Touch Payroll Changes

Single Touch Payroll Reporting | ATO changes The Tax Office has laid out some of the major changes to reporting for businesses under Phase 2 of Single Touch Payroll (STP). The federal government said in the 2019–20 budget that Single Touch Payroll would be expanded to...